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Excellent Termite and Pest Control

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Excellent Termite and Pest Control is created by someone like you. Someone who graduated from William Tennent High School, attended Bucks County Community College and for the last 18 years worked in the pest control industry. Excellent Termite and Pest Control was born April 2010. We are very proud to compete in today's pest control industry. Although we are not the "Big Boys" on the block whose advertisements are seen throughout the country, WE ARE local and have lived here for over forty years. We are here to stay. Our goal is simple: We want to provide the highest quality professional pest control services, at the lowest possible price.

There are no salesmen coming to your door when you call Excellent Termite and Pest Control. We are all licensed exterminators. We have many years of experience, especially in the Bucks and Montgomery counties. By calling us you can have the comfort of knowing that you are dealing with a seasoned Pest Management Professional.

We truly understand your concerns about having a stranger come into your home and applying "chemicals." We will take the time to explain exactly when and when not to use proper materials in your home. If you DO NOT have a pest problem we WILL tell you. Everything we use has been registered and tested by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania-Department of Agriculture.